Get to know our Fasoli blend

By Lauren Drzewucki

Thanks to its bright orange packaging, it’s one of our brightest and most recognisable blends, but how much do you really know about Fasoli? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this unique blend.

1. It’s the best of not one, not two, but THREE worlds


We’ve scoured the globe to find the perfect combinations of beans for this very unique roast. Boasting beans from 2 different continents, more specifically from Brazil, Ethiopia & Rwanda, it’s safe to say the coffee in your Fasoli pod is definitely one of a kind.


2. It’s a people pleaser.


With a mild 8/13 intensity, and able to be served with or without milk, Fasoli is perfect for even the fussiest of coffee connoisseurs.


3. It has links to Red Bourbon arabica.


Highly sought after & well regarded, Red Bourbon arabica is a high-quality, medium-yield coffee known for its sweet taste - this is exactly where the Rwandan beans in your Fasoli pod are from.


4. Its undertones make it a very unique blend.


We’ve added a hint of sweetness to your Fasoli cup, thanks to the arabica from Nascer Do Sol, Brazil. This means that alongside your key notes of plum & berries, you can look forward to the delicious undertones of roasted nuts, caramel & cocoa. Yes please!


"A wonderfully drinkable coffee, smooth and easy." Trudi D, Customer